Phrag. kovachii 'Second Smile'
Phal. (Taisco Hilo x Malibu Madonna) 'Sarara'
Cym. Finger of Suspicion 'Eos'
Rth. Shinfong Little Sun 'ORCHIS'
Paph. (Pure Lime x Via Virgenes) 'Kuon'
Sud. Green Sweetie 'Green Fantasy'
V. lamellata 'Long Well Miyara'
Rlc. Celeb Smile 'Edogawa'
Paph. Independence 'Giant'
Phal. Little Venus 'Eriko'
C. Dominiana 'Neo Classic'
Den. leporinum 'Hyperion'
Paph. Norito Hasegawa 'Yoko's Smile'
Phal. (Happy Vivien x Sheena's Ringo) 'Rainbow'
Rlc. Haw Yuan Gold 'Y.K #2'
C. walkeriana f. semialba 'Tokyo No.1-R'
C. walkeriana f. flamea 'Acucai Carnaval'
C. walkeriana f. flamea 'Tropical Star'
C. walkeriana 'Spring Flat'
C. nobilior f. coerulea 'Thoma'
C. schroederae f. albescens 'Keiko'
C. schroederae f. alba 'Hercules'
C. trianae f. concolor 'Oto'
C. Little Knight 'Kichijiya'
C. Prince Hisahito 'Spring Grand'
C. Circle of Life 'Acolade'
C. (Old Whitey x World Vacation) 'Hiroshima'
Rlc. Next Century 'New World'
Rlc. Twenty First Century 'New Generation'