Lc. Rubescent Atreus 'Patty'
Phrag. Jason Fischer 'Mevius'
Bulb. purpureorhachis 'Aina Okika'
V. Robert's Delight 'Ink Star'
Aerangis luteo-alba 'Shima'
Paph. Tsukuba Sweet 'Mars'
Den. glomeratum 'Golden Gate'
Den. Silver Bells 'Daisen'
Paph. Premium Pink 'Honey Angel'
Paph. philippinense 'Mei's Twist'
Paph. Johanna Burkhardt 'Black Tiger'
Fdk. Desert Tenor 'Sunset Valley Orchids'
Rlc. Izumi Carol 'Rouge Magic'
Paph. (Velvet Smile x Thunder World) 'Red Eagle'
C. maxima f. coerulea 'Hector'
Den. nobile f. carnea 'Ohyama'
Ren. imschootiana 'Favorite Lipstick'
Gur. skinneri f. coerulesens 'Orchidglade'
Epi. Sweet Valley 'Elegance'
Rth. Ricefield Village 'Panda'
Ctyh. Orange Stardust 'Masumi'
C. coccinea var. xanthochila
C. nobilior var. amaliae 'Sleeve Master'
C. walkeriana f. coerulea 'Blue Diamond'
C. maxima f. alba 'Katarina'
C. mossiae f. venosa 'Mercedes'
C. maxima f. rubra 'Heaven's Mastepiece'
C. maxima f. coerulea 'Gigi'
Den. nobile f. variegata 'Sakura'
Den. anosmum f. album 'Su'
Den. nobile f. carnea 'F. Arima'
Den. nobile cooksonianum 'T. O'
Den. chrysotoxum 'Spring Grand'
C. lueddemanniana f. rubra 'Juan Pedro'
Den. discolor f. broomfieldii 'T. O'
Den. purpureum 'Dream of Kimi'
Den. subuliferum 'White Star'
Den. bellatulum 'Red Lip'
Den. formosum f. petaloid
Den. amethystoglossam 'momoca'
Gur. guatemalensis 'Lokeview'
Rlc. (Rlc. First Class x C. Circle of Life) '236'
Rlc. (Rlc. First Class x C. Circle of Life) '57'
Rlc. (Rlc. First Class x C. Circle of Life) '69'
C. Mother's Life 'Fujiwara'
Bc. Yellow Bird 'Ivory 7'
Rlc. (Rlc. First Class x C. Circle of Life) 'Spring Sun'
Epi. Holy Valley x Sakura Valley 'Aurora'
Epi. Chance Valley 'Pure Water'
(Den. sulawesiense x Den. cuthbertsonii) x Den. cuthbertsonii 'Aki-vobuto'
Den. Pittero Gold 'Diamond Ring'
Den. Royal Bride 'Pure Smile'
Den. Fairy Moon 'Altemis'
Den. Brilliant Smile 'Imperial'
Den. Royal Bride 'Snow Magic'
Paph. liemianum 'Super Cool'
Paph. charlesworthii 'Garyu I'
Paph. villosum f. album 'Nobuto-No. 1'
Paph. rothschildianum 'Western Thunder'
Paph. Golden Bell 'Yung Shin'
Ctt. Gold Digger 'Orchidglade's Mandarin'
Rsc. Greenwich 'Elmhurst'
Rlc. Butter Candy 'Sky Yellow'
Epicathanthe Volcano Trick 'Yamato'
Rlc. Golf Green 'Hair Pig'
C. Lawre-Mossiae 'Modern Classic'
RLc. Next Century 'Tokro Dome'
Rlc. Twenty First Century 'New Generation'
Paph. Miya Beautiful Dream x Kimura's Dream 'King Stone'
Paph. Tsukuba Redstar 'Tsukuba'
Paph. Emerald Lake 'Summer Dream'
Paph. Mikawa Legacy 'Esperanza'
Paph. (Emerald Moon 'Fullmoon' x Ice Age 'Snow Time') 'Matsumoto'
Paph. Suimu 'Cherry Song'
Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Iwaki Forest'
Paph. Hung Shen Cape 'Black Hawk'
Paph. Norito Hasegawa 'Aquarius'
Paph. Captivatingly Wood 'Monster Energy'
Paph. (Macable x Evelyn Eyes) 'Black Wing'
Phrag. Suzanne Decker 'Pink Ducks'
Phrag. Peruflora's Cilita Alka
Paph. Sheena's Pearl 'Dolce'
Rhy. (Rhy. Chochalood x Rhy. gigantea) 'FN-Beat'
Sarc. (Kurumb x Kulnura Spice) 'Red Small Fairy'
(Phal. amabilis x Phal. OX Happy Girl) 'N Long Islnad'
Chsch. parishii 'Setsuko'
Lyc. Shonan Melody 'Spring Beauty'
Cym. Devon Wine 'Milliion Vell'
Cym. Samurai Soul 'Chocolate Fountain'
Psh. panyculata 'Bold Ducks'
Ansellia africana f. alba
Coel. cristata f. lemoniana 'Classic Yellow'
Phaiocalanthe (Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite x Calanthe Grouville 'HR Red')
Lockhartia acuta 'Marron'
Neomoorea wallisii 'Delusion'